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Information about golf from equipment to the players themselves. Helpful tips and advice on improving your golf game in all sorts of ways and looking at some of the trends in the game today.

What is a Mulligan?

If you have ever watched your first shot of the day disappear over the out-of-bounds fence, you have probably wished that you could turn back time and start all over again. Well, in golf, you can do just that, at least sometimes! anyone who has been playing for any length of time will probably know… Read More »What is a Mulligan?

Minimalist Golf Shoes

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You can play golf in all sorts of shoes Using a minimalist shoe helps you ‘feel’ the ground Be careful of grip without spikes Let me start me saying that shoes really aren’t my thing. I am never going to enjoy spending time shopping for them, it just isn’t in my DNA. That said, I… Read More »Minimalist Golf Shoes

What is a Modern Golf Swing?

If there is one sport that doesn’t seem to fit in with “modern”, it is golf. Visions of Scotsmen in plus fours and collars playing with hickory clubs well before the advent of anything as recent as the Open championship sit pleasantly in the mind’s eye. Surely golf is golf and its essence hasn’t changed… Read More »What is a Modern Golf Swing?

How to Clean Golf Grips

I generally like to do a lot of club repairs and modifications myself. This includes changing grips. Unfortunately COVID has impacted massively supply in the golf industry like many others. My local golf shop told me that for certain grips and shafts, delays are currently sitting at 6 months or more. I don’t change my… Read More »How to Clean Golf Grips

Golf Club Distance Calculator

In the world of the golf advertising executive, distance is king. I would guess that the fastest way to lose your job in that particular role would be to push the “slightly shorter than last year’s model” tagline. While distance is certainly overrated as an absolute, knowing how far you hit your clubs is crucial… Read More »Golf Club Distance Calculator