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Everything about golf equipment from clubs to bags and balls

Playing with a Steel Driver Shaft

steel driver shaft

Regardless of whether you watch golf on TV, spend all your time at the course, or love hanging around the golf shop, the chances of seeing a steel shafted driver are essentially zero. Twenty years ago, there were still plenty kicking about on tour and certainly in the bags of many average golfers, but today… Read More »Playing with a Steel Driver Shaft

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Blade?

Playing blades is a controversial topic. Some say they are the only way to learn to play the game whereas others claim that it’s the last thing any golfer should do.

This can leave the average golfer pretty confused. Obviously when you look at something like the new Callaway muscle back and compare it to a super game improvement iron the difference is huge. All that technology must help right? And then you see the bags of the PGA tour players-they aren’t all playing blades are they? So what is the average golfer doing with the shiny muscle back in his bag?

The same thing is true in the forums- do a quick search on golfwrx and you’ll find hundreds of threads about blades versus cavity backs, beginners playing blades, low handicap players playing super game improvement irons and so on.

Unfortunately, a lot of this is simply based on  opinions of people who don’t play blades ever. To me, there are two big questions. Firstly, why would you actually want to play blades? And secondly, what difference will blades actually make your score?

Why Would Anyone Want to Play blades?

Me talking about blades might seem a bit strange. After all, I’ve written fairly extensively about the single length irons I use. As much as I do like single length, I change the clubs my bag about as often as I change my socks!

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How to Choose Your Wedges

When choosing new clubs, a lot of the focus tends to be drivers with irons next and the short sticks like putter and wedges getting less of the attention. Honestly, I am as guilty of this as the next guy, simply because, well, bombing a driver is cool! Actually, it must be old-age setting in because I really don’t seem to bomb anything much anymore and maybe because of this my focus is turning towards the short game and a few thoughts on how to choose your wedges.

Learning the short Game

One of the big advantages of looking at the short game tools is that you can really spend some time learning how to gt the best out of them. There are only so many balls I can beat at the range before boredom and sore joints kick in. However, I am finding more and more that going round the short course with wedges and shorter irons is a lot of fun and keeps things both interesting and easier on the body.

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Should You Really Listen to Your Fitter?

golf club fitting

I should probably start this article by saying that I am not a golf fitter, nor have I played one on TV. I have been through various fittings (although never a full bag, top to bottom one done by a clubfitter who is completely independent of any brand.) However, I have just been watching a ‘fitting’ video done by a pro that made me absolutely cringe.

I won’t say who or where, but some of the things the ‘fitter’ was saying just made me shake my head. Now, this shouldn’t bother me, after all, it doesn’t change anything for me. However, the guy going through the fitting process clearly didn’t know anything at all (and as the customer, why should he? He pays for the fitter’s expertise after all.) but he is going to end up with a set of irons that are not going to be anyway near ideal for him.

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The Five Best Christmas Gifts for Golfers

Christmas gifts for golfers

As a golfer, I really don’t like the winter. It is cold, mishitting a ball (not that I ever do that) sends vibrations all the way to my teeth. Winter greens and rules are in play. A quick nine holes before or after work means playing in the dark. Yes, Winter is a terrible time for me….apart from one thing-Christmas. I am well into adult territory, but I do like giving (and receiving) gifts in the holiday season. Of course some are far better than others, so I thought I would share my five best Christmas gifts for golfers.

Perfect Christmas Gifts for Golfers

You might be thinking that it is easy to find that perfect present for the golfer in your life. I am here to tell you that it isn’t! I have lost count of the absolutely terrible thing I have received from friends and family, that ‘he will just adore!’

Look,  just because something has a tenuous link to golf or a picture of someone swinging a club, it doesn’t mean I want it! Sure, I will smile and say thanks as you give me those socks or whatever, but I will be cursing your name on the inside!

So what should you buy? Try these five ideas for starters:

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