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Helping to improve the golf swing

When to Choke Up on a Club

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choke up golf grip

There are plenty of ways to play golf. You can be a ‘paint by numbers golfer’ for example. 160 yards is always a seven iron, or whatever. You can also be the type of golfer who grew up watching Seve conjure shots out of nowhere. Playing to a distance means nothing to you and you… Read More »When to Choke Up on a Club

Stop Topping Hybrids

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golf hybrid

You pick that lovely forgiving hybrid out of the bag, set up behind the ball with visions of seeing it fly high and handsome to the green, try to block out that new swing thought you picked up from a guy on YouTube, take the club back and through…..and see the ball scuttle 80 yards… Read More »Stop Topping Hybrids