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Anything and everything interesting about the great game of golf

The Golf Vanity Cap

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We recently talked about the golf sandbagger, that notorious scoundrel who deliberately manipulates his handicap upwards in order to get more shots and win competitions with an unfair advantage. But did you know that the exact opposite also exists? There are probably just as many golfers who have a golf vanity cap as those whose… Read More »The Golf Vanity Cap

Golf Sandbaggers

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sand bags

The aim of the golf handicapping system is relatively simple: take golfers of widely varying experience and ability and make the game fair for everyone. In theory, a neophyte can play against Tiger woods and there is a way of comparing them. The score of an 18 handicapper and a 36 handicapper can be adjusted… Read More »Golf Sandbaggers

How to Golf for Cheap

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Nobody is going to say that golf is a cheap sport. In fact, at least in the eyes of the non-golfer, it is probably seen as being one of the most expensive sports you can play. If you say you play golf, people will generally assume you don’t have to count the cost of life.… Read More »How to Golf for Cheap

Famous Golf Sayings

There are lots of things that we say to each other as golfers out on the course. If you aren’t a regular golfer, a lot of these might not mean too much to you.However, you might also be surprised to see that a few of these golf sayings have made their way into everyday speech.… Read More »Famous Golf Sayings