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I have been a keen golfer for over three decades. Over that time, I have tried almost everything on the market in terms of equipment. I am particularly interested in single length irons and minimalist golf and would consider myself an expert on both.

Golfing Tips and Tricks

Golf can be a brute of a game. You can play for years, think you are really starting to master the game and one day it all falls apart and you are writing 12 somewhere on the card! there are no two ways about it, getting better is a never-ending process and you never really… Read More »Golfing Tips and Tricks

The Putting Yips-a Case Study

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This is one article that I hoped never to write but unfortunately it looks I will have to. After having a difficult time on the green for a few years now, I think that I might be heading towards (or already in) that horrible place know as the golf putting yips🙁 As other sufferers of… Read More »The Putting Yips-a Case Study

Golf Fitness Training

Golf really isn’t my only passion in life and in a previous “career” I was lucky enough to play sport at level good enough to get paid for it (although not very much!) I have, as a result, a passion for all things training-related and golf fitness training manages to combine two of my main… Read More »Golf Fitness Training

Golf Slope: What does it Mean?

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Slope is a common term in the golfing world, but is actually a little bit misleading and refers to at least two different things. Here is a simple explanation of what it is and why golf slope is important for your game. Golf Course Slope Rating The first use of slope is essentially a measure… Read More »Golf Slope: What does it Mean?