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Getting better at golf

Rukket Haack Practice Golf Net

I have always been wary of using a practice golf net. Outdoors, in the garden say, I am always a little concerned about hitting a driver or long iron straight through the netting and hearing that horrible shattering sound as it shoots through my neighbour’s window. And don’t even get me started on indoors! As someone who has known the occasional hosel rocket or two, especially when chipping, I just imagine a ball missing the net altogether and heading merrily towards the TV šŸ™

best golf practice net

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The Net Return: The Ultimate Golf Home Practice Aid?

The Net Return practice net on fairway first golf
The Net Return will improve your practice time

I am a fairly typical golfer in lots of ways. Although I spend a lot of time researching and writing about golf, I don’t actually get to the course as often as I would like. Even in season, I might not actually hit a club in anger for two weeks. This can make my swing a little rusty and my ball-striking……well, “inconsistent” is probably the kindest word!

This means that I love anything that can help me get a bit of practice in at home. I have given a fair bit of thought to putting as I explained here. But how can I improve my full swing without getting to the course? With The Net Return practice net, I think I may actually have found the answer.

In a Hurry? Check out The Net Return on Amazon

Read More »The Net Return: The Ultimate Golf Home Practice Aid?

Big Moss Home Putting Greens-Perfect Putting Practice at Home

Big Moss Putting Green

Playing golf can be the ideal way to reduce stress and relax. You are outside, in the fresh air and most of the time, in beautiful surroundings. It is also the perfect way to spend time with friends and acquaintances or even do a little business.

Big Moss Putting Mats-Which one is Right for you?

However, it can also cause its fair share of heartacheĀ as you land in the bunker again or see that snap hook off the tee heading straight towards the out of bounds marker..

No Time to Read the Reviews? Find the Big Moss Putting Mat on Amazon Here

The putting green is the area on the golf course where the majority of the pressure to succeed is applied. This part of your game either makes or breaks your score. In fact, I am willing to bet that this is the place where most people learn to swear. Nothing is more frustrating than hitting a couple of perfect shots then three-putting!

Read More »Big Moss Home Putting Greens-Perfect Putting Practice at Home

How To Practice Putting

practice putting
good putting makes for better scoring and more enjoyment on the course

You will often hear that a good short game is the key to shaving strokes off your score. Whilst it is true that keeping it in play off the tee and hitting a few more greens will make a difference, holing more putts is always going to make the biggest dent when you look to take a few shots off that card. Just imagine going from 36 putts to 32, for example. There aren’t a lot of areas that will cut four shots in one go.

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