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The Putting Yips-a Case Study

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This is one article that I hoped never to write but unfortunately it looks I will have to. After having a difficult time on the green for a few years now, I think that I might be heading towards (or already in) that horrible place know as the golf putting yips🙁 As other sufferers of… Read More »The Putting Yips-a Case Study

Golf Fitness Training

Golf really isn’t my only passion in life and in a previous “career” I was lucky enough to play sport at level good enough to get paid for it (although not very much!) I have, as a result, a passion for all things training-related and golf fitness training manages to combine two of my main… Read More »Golf Fitness Training

Golf Slope: What does it Mean?

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Slope is a common term in the golfing world, but is actually a little bit misleading and refers to at least two different things. Here is a simple explanation of what it is and why golf slope is important for your game. Golf Course Slope Rating The first use of slope is essentially a measure… Read More »Golf Slope: What does it Mean?

Pinhawk vs Cobra vs ?: Best single Length Iron choice

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Single length irons have been around for a lot longer than people think , but they have really only been the radar of the average golfer for a few years, essentially since Bryson Dechambeau has become one of the higher-profile golfers on the planet. Pinhawk vs Cobra is often one of the first questions potential single length golfers ask.

Which Single Length set is best? Pinhawk vs Cobra

As someone who has used several sets of one length clubs and started trying them out a good couple of years before Mr Dechambeau (although slightly less-successfully!) I feel like I have a good take on all things one length. One of the most obvious questions for many people who are thinking of giving them a try is simply “which set do I get?” The definitive answer to that is probably impossible, but here are a few things to think about that might help point you in the right direction.

pinhawk vs cobra
Are Pinhawks Still a good option?

This isn’t going to be a “why single length?” article (although I have just done a single length FAQ that should help,) but I feel like I should start by saying that I really don’t like a lot of the stuff I read about playing with clubs that are all the same length. The main reason is that most of it is written by golfers who really haven’t tried them or a best, hit a test club a few times on the range.

Single length is a bit different. I don’t believe it is a perfect fit for everyone, but I do think it has some distinct advantages in the same way that minimalist golf (another of my golfing passions) will be great for some and not for others.. Once more, it will take another article to talk through some of those, and I promise I will get down to that soon!

It can certainly free up some mental energy on the course which is great if you are like me and struggling on the greens for example as you can see with my journey through the yips here.


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