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Effective practice is the quickest way to getting better

Golfing Tips and Tricks

Golf can be a brute of a game. You can play for years, think you are really starting to master the game and one day it all falls apart and you are writing 12 somewhere on the card! there are no two ways about it, getting better is a never-ending process and you never really… Read More »Golfing Tips and Tricks

Golf Fitness Training

Golf really isn’t my only passion in life and in a previous “career” I was lucky enough to play sport at level good enough to get paid for it (although not very much!) I have, as a result, a passion for all things training-related and golf fitness training manages to combine two of my main… Read More »Golf Fitness Training

Rukket Haack Practice Golf Net

I have always been wary of using a practice golf net. Outdoors, in the garden say, I am always a little concerned about hitting a driver or long iron straight through the netting and hearing that horrible shattering sound as it shoots through my neighbour’s window. And don’t even get me started on indoors! As someone who has known the occasional hosel rocket or two, especially when chipping, I just imagine a ball missing the net altogether and heading merrily towards the TV 🙁

best golf practice net

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How To Practice Putting

practice putting
good putting makes for better scoring and more enjoyment on the course

You will often hear that a good short game is the key to shaving strokes off your score. Whilst it is true that keeping it in play off the tee and hitting a few more greens will make a difference, holing more putts is always going to make the biggest dent when you look to take a few shots off that card. Just imagine going from 36 putts to 32, for example. There aren’t a lot of areas that will cut four shots in one go.

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