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Calculating distance using slope to account for elevation

golf Buddy LR5 Rangefinder Review

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Accuracy Matters-that’s the slogan on the cover of Golfbuddy’s LR5 rangefinder and the better you get at golf, the more it becomes important. When I was happy to break 100 it was probably enough to know which direction the green was! I exaggerate (slightly-you should have seen me spraying it all over the course!) but once you get at least semi-serious about golf, knowing how far it is to hazards, lay-ups greens and bunkers does make a tangible difference to your score.

The short Version

I was tempted to say something like ‘A great budget rangefinder’ but realised that this is a lazy way to describe the LR5-it implies cheap and adequate, but not great. The reality is, this is very good piece of kit. Robust, easy to use and accurate at an attractive price. For most golfers, getting a more expensive option is going to be a matter of choice (which is fine) but not necessity because this type of rangfinder is perfect for almost all of us.

Find it here on Amazon

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What is the Best Golf Laser Rangefinder-updated for 2018?

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As I have said before (and more than once!) a rangefinder might just be the easiest way to shave a couple of shots off a round and is certainly a pretty good way of reducing frustration and having more fun on the course. It is also a time saver which is (or should be) a consideration for all golfers. Tech is improving all the time and things have already moved on since the last time we tested. So what are the best options for a new rangefinder in 2018? Is it worth shelling out for a new model? Here are the top contenders in 2018.

First things first, why bother with a range finder at all? We have talked about this quite a bit on, for example here and here. Personally, the more I play, the more I appreciate what it can do for any golfer. Of course, it can’t guarantee a pure strike, but it takes a huge element of uncertainty out of the game. You know for absolute certain just how far you need to hit it. This is very liberating and lets you concentrate on putting your best swing on the ball.

So all you need to do is go out and pick up a rangefinder and you are good to go on the golf course, right? Not so fast.

[thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=””]Not all rangefinders are equal-everyone’s needs are different [/thrive_text_block]

Read More »What is the Best Golf Laser Rangefinder-updated for 2018?

Understanding Golf Slope for Rangefinders

rangefinder for slope 2017

Golf slope is perhaps the least-understood element in distance. Getting it right will make a real an immediate difference to both your scores and enjoyment on the course. Here is what it is and how it is really calculated.


golf slope rangefinders
This is why you need slope

Any golfer who has played an even slightly hilly course knows that changes in elevation can greatly affect their game. You could have the perfect iron set, it just won’t matter.These changes, if not properly taken into account, can be detrimental to your final score and nowadays there is no reason why this should still be the case. This is why understanding golf slope is key.

This is actually obvious to anyone from hacker to pro. We have all stood on an elevated tee and tried to guess just how many clubs difference it really makes. Of course, we usually get it completely wrong, hence the need for something that really tells us the difference that slope is going to make to the shot.

Golf equipment manufacturers know all about slope and have included features that are aimed at helping golfers compensate for these changes. If you are in the market for the best golf rangefinder with slope, it is important to understand just what it is and how the right golf rangefinder with slope can help take strokes off your game.

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Nikon Coolshot Laser Rangefinder Reviews-Which is Best?

Nikon know a thing or two about optics
Nikon know a thing or two about optics

As even a casual golfer knows, the proper club selection is pivotal for a successful round of golf. But to pick the right club, you have to know the distance to the hole.

Are you tired of trying to guess this distance? How accurate could your guesses be? Golf is one of the most difficult sports to master, so you cannot afford to leave the distance between you and the hole to guesswork. With the Nikon Coolshot laser rangefinders, you can take your game to the next level and feel like you’re playing a round with a professional caddy.

No Time To Read the Whole Review? Find More Reviews and our Top Pick on Amazon

Read More »Nikon Coolshot Laser Rangefinder Reviews-Which is Best?