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Putting from putters to improving on the greens

5 Short Game Drills

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The fastest way to improve quickly on the course is through intelligent practice. This is true for all parts of the game from tee to green. If you are looking for a few ideas to get better as you get closer to the flag stick, here are 5 short game drills you can try. 1)… Read More »5 Short Game Drills

Bentgrass vs Bermuda

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Whilst many of us don’t think too much about the finer details of green-keeping, it is actually a complex subject. The quality of course that we play and the enjoyment we get out of playing them is closely linked to their upkeep. In fact, some of the most important aspects of golf course quality are… Read More »Bentgrass vs Bermuda

What is a Lag Putt?

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There are many important shots in golf and putting in all its various forms is certainly up there with the best of them. Whilst something like a short putt or a tap in doesn’t really need any explanation, other types of putt aren’t perhaps that clear. So what is a lag putt for example and… Read More »What is a Lag Putt?

Putting From Off the Green

After recently writing about the bump and run and how it is an underused shot for most golfers, I realised that most of us should probably take this a step further. If a shot that gets the ball running sooner with less loft and a more consistent swing is good, surely more of the same… Read More »Putting From Off the Green

Hitting the Bump and Run

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the bump and run

The short game is one area of golf that has almost endless possibilities. In fact, if you put ten different golfers in the same place round the green, you might well get ten different shots. Even professional golfers will see the same shot in different ways. One might play a flop shot whereas another will… Read More »Hitting the Bump and Run

Which Putter Head Shape?

putter head shape

Until the last couple of decades, putter head shape was a non-issue. All putters were the same, essentially a blade with a couple of degrees of loft. Then the ping anser style putter came in and that was the new norm. Nowadays, the range of possible styles from blade to spaceship on a stick is… Read More »Which Putter Head Shape?