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One Length Irons: FAQ

one length irons

I have written a huge amount about one length irons and, as a point of difference from most of what you can read on the net, it is from my personal experience. I thought it might be useful to create a Frequently Asked Questions section where those who are looking for an answer to a… Read More »One Length Irons: FAQ

Half Sets of Golf Clubs

There is an inevitable link between half sets of golf clubs and beginners. I would guess that every seasoned golfer out there at one point had either a boxed half set or something cobbled together from hand-me-downs or pro shop left overs. Mismatched irons, wooden woods and rusty putters were the norm in most junior… Read More »Half Sets of Golf Clubs

What is a Minimalist Golfer?

minimalist golfer

What exactly is a minimalist golfer? This question has been going through my mind quite a bit since I wrote about what I consider to be the best minimalist golf bag set up a couple of weeks ago. I mean, I do consider myself to be a minimalist golfer but I am not actually sure… Read More »What is a Minimalist Golfer?

Golf Swing Tips: the Top Ten

Anyone interested in the game of golf is on a permanent search for golf swing tips. How to hit it more consistently, further, straighter or whatever. Finding that golden nugget among the million and one golf swing tips that are touted as game-changing isn’t easy. How do you know what is going to work and… Read More »Golf Swing Tips: the Top Ten

What is a Golf Handicap?

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If you are not a golfer, the idea of a golf handicap probably doesn’t mean much to you. This is not particularly surprising, but what might cause a raised eyebrow or two is that quite a large percentage of golfers don’t really know what it is either! I have heard some very confident explanations of… Read More »What is a Golf Handicap?

Can you Avoid Golf Chipping?

After writing a recent article about golf chipping giving some ideas that can make life a bit easier round the greens, I began thinking about something I mentioned in the article. The gist of it was, if you can avoid hitting a traditional chip shot in certain circumstances, this might be a good route to… Read More »Can you Avoid Golf Chipping?