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Getting Out of a Bunker

My short game is, in many ways, a microcosm of the rest of my game. Occasionally inspired, sometimes awful. In truth, I can’t really complain about this because I don’t spend a great deal of time practising around the green at the moment. Actually, that is quite true: I don’t spend any time practising! Hitting… Read More »Getting Out of a Bunker

Is my Iron Flex Too Soft?

I played an evening round with a few friends last night and as always it was an enjoyable few hours. We played in one of the most enjoyable formats that I know, a scramble matchplay. It lets you try shots that you wouldn’t perhaps take on in a competitive round. It also gave us the… Read More »Is my Iron Flex Too Soft?

How to Golf for Cheap

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Nobody is going to say that golf is a cheap sport. In fact, at least in the eyes of the non-golfer, it is probably seen as being one of the most expensive sports you can play. If you say you play golf, people will generally assume you don’t have to count the cost of life.… Read More »How to Golf for Cheap

How to Regroove Wedges

“I wish my wedges would spin a bit less” said no golfer ever! The shot from the golfer on TV that hits the green, jumps forward a couple of feet then sucks back five yards or more also elicits a round of applause and admiring gasps from the crowd and thoughts of ‘I wish I….’… Read More »How to Regroove Wedges

Famous Golf Sayings

There are lots of things that we say to each other as golfers out on the course. If you aren’t a regular golfer, a lot of these might not mean too much to you.However, you might also be surprised to see that a few of these golf sayings have made their way into everyday speech.… Read More »Famous Golf Sayings