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I have been a keen golfer for over three decades. Over that time, I have tried almost everything on the market in terms of equipment. I am particularly interested in single length irons and minimalist golf and would consider myself an expert on both.

Playing Golf With Irons Only

Going all-in with irons on the golf course can seem like a wild move—that’s where the real adventures begin. Irons are all about finesse and precision, offering a whole different style of play where accuracy truly shines over sheer distance. Ditching the driver might sound risky, but the benefits of using irons only are pretty… Read More »Playing Golf With Irons Only

3 Club Golf Challenge

The essence of the 3 club golf challenge takes us back to the basics of golf with a minimalist edge. Its origins are a bit hazy, but the rules are straightforward—pick just three clubs from your bag and play an entire round with them. This isn’t just about making things harder; it’s a fresh twist… Read More »3 Club Golf Challenge

Minimalist Golf Bag Setup

Minimalism in golf isn’t just a trend; it’s a smart approach to simplifying the game and improving focus. By reducing the number of clubs and accessories, players often find a new level of clarity on the course. The philosophy of a minimalist golf bag centers on carrying only what truly enhances your play and leaves… Read More »Minimalist Golf Bag Setup

Playing From The Forward Tees

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There have been a couple of things that have popped up on the various golf site/channels that I follow and they struck a bell with me because they essentially come back to one of my favourite golfing ‘games’. I say game, but this can be anything from a fun change of pace to a really… Read More »Playing From The Forward Tees

Minimalist Golf and Score

One of the biggest questions that I see when talking about minimalist golf is just how it affects score. I was reading one of the golf forums the other day and someone said something like “I am completely on board with fewer clubs, but I just can’t do it because it will cost me shots.”… Read More »Minimalist Golf and Score

Fitting the Taller Golfer

fitting tall golfers

As someone who is both far too tall and also gets through sets of irons at a prodigious rate, I find myself in quite an unusual position. I often come across sets on the various secondhand market places out there, but these are quite a long way from what most people would consider my ideal… Read More »Fitting the Taller Golfer

Is 7 Wood the New Hybrid?

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seven wood

Hybrids were (and still are) a game changer for many golfers. Before this, your options for the longer end of the bag were severally limited. You might find a few five woods kicking around to bridge the gap between 3 wood and 3 iron, but that was about it. and everyone carried a 3 iron!… Read More »Is 7 Wood the New Hybrid?

Should We all Play a 2 Iron?

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2 iron

What we find in the average golf bag has changed hugely over the last few decades. A modern 460cc driver make of carbon looks nothing like a persimmon from the 1980s or even a metal-headed driver from twenty years ago. Comparing modern “spaceship” putter designs to the classic Golden Goose is also a huge contrast.… Read More »Should We all Play a 2 Iron?